desperate times…

…call for chocolate.

What do you do when you’ve been completely spoiled by your baker daughter, then she cuts you off cold turkey? You get a little grumpy. And desperate. Hence, this was my fix after I scoured the cupboards and cannisters for some form of chocolate.


A stale graham cracker (leftover from the s’mores), a chunk of domestic chocolate, topped by a squirt of sweetened whipped cream. Pretty pathetic. At least he enjoyed it.


But what does my 4 year old know? He knows not of Toblerone, Lindt, Fazer, or even Godiva. But he’ll learn. (And with those eyelashes, he’ll get just about any kind of chocolate he wants.)

If you’ve followed our life, in person or by blog, you know that my middle daughter is gifted with the art of baking. K discovered this last Spring with the baking bag, and there has been no stopping her. She amazes me. Though only 10, she has mastered chocolate cakes, two cheesecakes, dessert bars, cookies, and pound cake (my favorite). So we’ve gotten used to the whirl in the kitchen providing us with quite a steady stream of confections.

Then, vacation rolled around and…nothing. Not so much as a boxed brownie. I can only hope that the Fairy of Baking Inspiration reappears and sprinkles K with some magic flour dust so that her passion for providing all things fattening returns. Quickly. The whipped-cream-in-a-can is almost gone. And the Hershey’s bars are history.

2 thoughts on “desperate times…

  1. What a cute picture! He’s really getting that “thin little boy” look. He surprised me (and I see him every week).

    We have all those ingredients, so I think that you might have given me an idea for a fun mommy after-school snack.

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